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The 2022 Global Deep-Sea Capacity Assessment includes online survey and manual research data for 186 geographical areas divided into six global regions: Europe, Asia, Northern America, Africa, Oceania, and Latin America & the Caribbean. 

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The new paper in Nature Scientific Reports, "FathomNet: A global image database for enabling artificial intelligence in the ocean," documents our work on FathomNet, the open image database for training machine learning algorithms to help analyze ocean images and video. 


ODL's most recent publication, "Low-Cost, Deep-Sea Imaging and Analysis Tools for Deep-Sea Exploration: A Collaborative Design Study," discusses the key findings from a multiyear co-design study capturing the needs of multiple user groups for exploration tools.

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Recent Publications

FathomNet: A global image database for enabling artificial intelligence in the ocean

Nature Scientific Reports

K Katija, E Orenstein, B Schlining, L Lundsten, K Barnard, G Sainz, O Boulais, M Cromwell, E Butler, B Woodward,  KLC Bell. 2022. FathomNet: A global image database for enabling artificial intelligence in the ocean. Nature Scientific Reports. 12:15914.


Participatory Design for Low-Cost, Deep-Sea Imaging and Analysis. Frontiers of Marine Science.

Frontiers of Marine Science, 2022

KLC Bell†, JS Chow†, A Hope, M Quinzin, KA Cantner, DJ Amon, JE Cramp, RD Rotjan, L Kamalu, A de Vos, S Talma, S Buglass, V Wade, Z Filander, K Noyes, M Lynch, A Knight, N Lourenço, P Girguis, J Sousa, C Blake, BRC Kennedy, T Noyes, C McClain.


My Deep Sea, My Backyard: A Pilot Study to Build Capacity for Global Deep-Ocean Exploration and Research

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 2022

Amon, DJ†, RR Rotjan, BRC Kennedy, G Alleng, R Anta, E Aram, KM Gjerde, J Gobin, T Edwards, M Creary-Ford, L-A Henderson, R Hinds, A Hope, B Phillips, RK Ali, S Lanser, K Lewis, H Lochan, S MacLean, N Mwemwenikarawa, B Rimon, S-A Sarjursingh, A Tekiau, T Teemari, A Turchik, H Vallès, K Waysang, KLC Bell. 2022.

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